Monday, December 6, 2010

Letter #2 From Elder Mitchell Rhead Sorensen

Hi everyone!

Thank you SOOO much for the package. The cookies were AWESOME! and the fruit snacks. and the gum drops. Before I say anything else.... THEY CHANGED MY MISSION!!! TO CHINA, BEIJING!!!!!! just kidding. My mailbox number changed though

MTC Mailbox #360

So pleaasse address the letters to that mailbox. Thanksgiving here was wonderful. We had the morning devotional, and Elder Holland was the speaker! It was phenominal! His words were encouraging and very helpful. He talked a lot about being thankful for his mission and how everything we are blessed with after we get home is due to the service we have givenn to Heavenly Father. It was so awesome to be spoken to by an apostle. I want General Conference to be here already. We hadd thanksgiving lunch with turkey stuffing and mashed potatoes, with some pumpkkin pie. (The computer keeps adding duplicate letters on some words, so keep in mind that my ttyping isn't really this bad. And i'm rushed for time). We did a service projectt at night, where we made backpacks for kids in schools that don't have money. We made 35,000 bags in two hours. pretty impressive. Everything else wwaas just a normal week here at the MTC. Class, Eat, Class, Eat, class, Eat. Long days,, but this week went by quite fast! I got hit with a cold on Satuurrday when I woke up. It made the day kind of miserable, then it was stillll with me yesterday. The worst part? Not being able to nap it off ;-) But today is better. I'm almost over being sick. Last night, we had the Manager of the Missionary Dept. come talk to us for the Sunday fireside. He ttold us what mom told me. Faith and Fear do not coincide together. Completely oppossiite. So it hit me. Chinese is so hard, and i'm afraid i'll never learnn it well, but why? Heavenly Father has given me the gift of tongues, I just need ttoo put my faith in Him. So i've put that aside. He also said not to be homesick, cause thaatt is a sign of thinking about yourself instead of others. I haven't gotten homesick very much. I think that's cause I moved to Logan so i'm used to it. There's not a lot more to add. Just keep praying for me pleasee!! and keep writing! and sending me goodies. Christmas is coming up... Send me presents! And, i've realized I only have four ties to where with black pants ((I have to wear my suit everyday.) and two of them are bblluue. And two are red. I only have one green tie. I promise if youu ssend me ties of different colors, I won't be picky! I just want some change. I hope all is well at home! I love you all!

With Love,

Elder Mitchell R. Sorensen

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